Weather API Application in Python


A Python programming project that uses an API call to retrieve weather data based on user request.

Link to GitHub Repository:

Click Here

Import requests and JSON library

import requests
import json

Welcome message to be displayed one time at the beginning of the program

WelcomeMessage = "Search for the hourly weather forecast by city or zipcode"

URL for city forecast requests

city_url = ""

Zip URL for zipcode URL forecast requests

zip_url = ""

API key required for API calls

apikey = "appid=###"

Convert all weather data to imperial to display temperature in °F and wind speed in MPH

conversion = "units=imperial"

API call template. This is used for both city and zip requests

def api_call(url):
    response = requests.request("GET", url) #GET request for new weather data
    if str(response) == "<Response [200]>":
        print("Connection Successful\n") #verification of successful connection to api data
    elif str(response) == "<Response [404]>":
        print("City or Zipcode not found. Please try again.") #error handling for incorrect input by user
        follow_up_request() #prompts user to try again in case of error in submission
        print("Unsuccessful Connection. Closing Program.\n") #if no connection, program closes
    data = response.text #create a variable for the text of the response
    info = json.loads(data) #load data variable as JSON and assign to new variable
    temperature = (info['list'][0]['main']['temp']) #call to temperature data
    city_name = (info['city']['name']) #call to city name
    overall_weather = (info['list'][0]['weather'][0]['main']) #call to overall weather data
    overall_weather_description = (info['list'][0]['weather'][0]['description']) #call to weather details
    wind_speed = (info['list'][0]['wind']['speed']) #call to wind speed data
    humidity = (info['list'][0]['main']['humidity']) #call to humidity data
    print("Hourly forecast for " + city_name) #output of title and confirmation of city name
    print("\nTemperature: " + str(temperature) + "°F") #output of average temperature
    print("Forecast: " + overall_weather) #output of overall weather
    print("Details: " + overall_weather_description) #output of weather details
    print("Wind Speed: " + str(wind_speed) + "mph") #output of wind speed details
    print("Humidity: " + str(humidity) + "%\n") #output of humidity details

Function for when a user requests weather by city name

def city_request():
    city_inp = input("Please enter a city\n") #prompt user to enter city name
    full_city_url = city_url + city_inp + '&' + apikey + '&' + conversion #modified URL for city request
    api_call(full_city_url) #api call for city request

Function for when a user requests weather by zipcode
def zip_request():
    zip_inp = input("Please enter a 5 digit zipcode\n") #prompt user to enter a zipcode
    full_zip_url = zip_url + zip_inp + '&' + apikey + '&' + conversion #modified URL for zipcode request
    api_call(full_zip_url) #api call for zipcode request

Main function that runs the whole program

def main():
    print(WelcomeMessage) #print welcome message for when program begins
    inp = input("Enter 'c' for city or 'z' for Zipcode\n") #prompts user to decide between city name and zipcode
    inp_adjust = inp.lower() #adjusts to lowecase for error handling
    if inp_adjust == 'c': #runs the city_request function if 'c' is entered
        follow_up_request() #calls function for additional requests
    elif inp_adjust == 'z': #runs the zip_request function if 'z' is entered
        follow_up_request() #calls function for additional requests
        print('Invalid Entry. Please restart program') #closes program if incorrect input is entered

Function used to prompt for additional requests

def follow_up_request():
    follow_up_inp = input("Press y for new request or any other key to exit program\n") #prompts user for additional request
    adjust_fui = follow_up_inp.lower() #adjusts response to lowercase for error handling
    if adjust_fui == 'y':
        follow_up_api() #calls follow_up_api function if user wants a new request
        print("Progam is closing. Thank you.") #closes program if user is done with their requests

Function used for additional requests from user

def follow_up_api():
    inp = input("Enter 'c' for city or 'z' for ZipCode\n") #prompts user to request by city or zipcode
    inp_adjust = inp.lower() #adjusts to lowercase for error handling
    if inp_adjust == 'c':
        city_request() #calls function for when a user requests weather by city name
        follow_up_request() #calls function for additional requests
    elif inp_adjust == 'z':
        zip_request() #calls function for when a user requests weather by zipcode
        follow_up_request() #calls function for additional requests
        print('Invalid Entry. Please restart program') #closes program if incorrect input is entered

Calling of main function to start the program


Here is an example of the program running from the user perspective:
